25CentBodyJewelry.Com is based in Dallas, TX about 10 minutes away from downtown Dallas. We design, manufacture, and import Body Jewelry from our factory overseas. We have dedicated ourselves to provide customers with top quality 316L surgical steel body jewelry with lowest price possible. All of our products are designed and manufactured with quality in mind.
As being a factory direct body jewelry wholesaler we offer lowest price on quality body jewelry with the small quantity packages. So our customers don't have to buy large quantity any more. That way our customer can have best variety in their stores which will help increasing there sales.
We are known for faster and reliable service with lowest price possiable in body jewelry industry. Our daily operating hours are 10:00 am ~ 7:00 pm us/central time.For any suggestion or comments please E-mail: sales@25centbodyjewelry.com
For Further enquiries or help with order/service, please de not hesitate to contact us.
11528 Harry Hines Blvd. Suite A104
Toll Free Order Line: 1-855-225-CENT (2368) E-mail: sales@25centbodyjewelry.com